Friday, July 20, 2012

yay vacation!

so as the business i work for is still locally owned, and mostly still a family company we shut down a week every summer. just an amazing thing really. project time for sure! i was hoping to have some new pics of things i've accomplished at the house.....but i've been putting it all off until vacation week. here's what i've been doing with my time instead of doing things i should be.

just can't resist a cute puppy. i'll be back with pics of projects hopefully in a week or so. see ya!

Friday, July 13, 2012

slow days...

its amazing how slow business can get in the summer time. i guess used musical equipment isn't the first thing on peoples minds this time of year. luckily for me it gives me lots of time to think about the multitudes of projects ahead of me. i'm going to post some inside shots of the house. they're not pretty.

 wow. thats a mess. and yes, i am living in it. its honestly come a bit since these shots, but they're the most current ones i have. slowly getting through rooms one by one just doing basic clean up and making lists of what needs to happen next. thats all for now. i'll leave you with this "not as straight as i'd like" but only shot i have of the only set up room in the house.

Friday, July 6, 2012


my name is skinny. i'm hoping to use this to share all kinds on things. thoughts on music, equipment, mid century decor, old architecture, refurbing a very old house, rants on daily life working in a used music shop.

today has been a day of talkers. most of my days end up like this. bored old men talking about whatevers in their head that day, rednecks that have watched too many pawn/picker shows that think their messed old equipment is worth a fortune because its old, hobby players with tons of questions about trying to decipher all the information they've read online. as much as i love technology it sure does confuse people. we wanted all the information...we got we don't know what to do with it.

wierd thing is, the people that drive me crazy here prolly don't have much of a different thought process than i. after realizing this a while back i've tried to modify my patterns, but a junker i am. guess its kinda human nature to be wierd with someone similar, at least when you think like this. my largest junk buy to date happened recently. a house! junk may not be the right word, but it was a foreclosure house, and to a lot of people it would be junk. all i see is freedom.

this is the house. built in the 1890's it still stands proud here in louisville ky. sadly not taken care of like a lot of the rest of the neighborhood its in, but people are starting to pay attention again. i won't say what i paid, but lets just say most people spend more on a car. all because its in a "bad neighborhood". what makes a bad neighborhood? drugs? muggings? people on different race and thought process? yeah we got those....but i bet your neighborhood does too.

its gonna take a lot of work, but i'm excited. reeeaaallllyyy excited. best thing yet was after 3 weeks of living here i finally got water 2 nights ago! my buddy AK really is the best man alive. never a better feeling than using your own bathroom after weeks of nothing. its been extra fun as i also don't have plumbing or a bathroom where i work......but thats a rant for another day.